Phillips, Charles

From Sun Myung Moon Archive
American UC members(102 C)

Phillips, Charles
Waiting for image.jpg
Number 280
Full name
Other names Phillips, Tom
Date of birth
Date of death
Tags Leaders
Nationality American
Short biography
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Testimony from Danny Harth about Tom Phillips:
"I was then put on a team with a Captain from the insane Berkeley Family. His name was Tom Philips. After slaving away for sometime, we were sent to the Georgia area to fundraise. Our Commander was Mr. Simba, he died of stomach cancer or intestinal cancer later on. While I fundraised parts of Georgia, Tom told me to have no more contact with my evil, sinful, descendants of Satan, family. No more weekly letters to mom, no more phone calls. That was a heart breaking time for me, I really love my parents deeply. My mom was also heart broken. I used to send her weekly letters, telling her of all the wonderful sites I had seen, now nothing. No warning, no see you in several months, just nothing. This gave her time to talk to friends and be a living example of how the UC and Sun Myung Moon take kids away from families. Tom must have been a public relations person for the DMV in his past life." *My Life in the FFWPU / Unification Church

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