
From Sun Myung Moon Archive
Timeline pages(1 C, 13 P)



  • Started study at the technical high school of Waseda University in Tokyo. He took the name Emoto Ryumei while studying in Tokyo. Among his friends were Christians and communists. He met Korean students who supported the independence movement and the exiled Korean government. He studied the Bible. He disciplined himself to endure physical challenges.[1]


  • He returned to Korea and married Sunkil Choi in a marriage arranged by the couple's parents.(exact date?)
  • He and his bride moved to Heukseok-dong, Seoul and he took up work as an electrical engineer.[1]


  • Arrested on suspicion of being a communist because of his communist friends in Japan. He was released after a few weeks of torture.[1]


  • August 15 - Japan surrendered to the Allies making Korea free of Japanese rule after nearly 40 years. Moon marks this day as the beginning of his public ministry.[1]


  • March 1 - Birth of son Sung Jin
  • June 6 - He leaves his wife and infant son going to Pyongyang, North Korea, teaches there and holds prayer services.
  • His arrest by North Korean authorities and subsequent release. In jail he meets other Christians.


  • Arrested again and sentenced to five years in a communist labor camp, Heungnam labor camp.

Photo gallery

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Sun Myung Moon New World Encyclopedia

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