
From Sun Myung Moon Archive
Timeline pages(1 C, 13 P)

  • April - First meeting of Moon with Mikhail Gorbachov in Moscow.[1]
  • International Educational Foundation was founded in 1990, to promote moral education in schools.

World Conference on Preservation and Sustainable Development in the Pantanal, first held in 1999, with the goal of seeking ways to develop the Pantanal area without destroying its natural treasures.

  • Inauguration of the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace.[2]
  • April 10-13 - Inauguration of the Federation for World Peace.[3]
  • December 6 - Moon meets North Korean leader Kim Il Sung[4]
  • Founding of the Women's Federation for World Peace.[5]
  • University of Bridgeport in Connecticut operated in partnership with Professors World Peace Academy.[6]
  • April 10 - 1267-Couple Blessing for previously married couples.
  • August 25 - 30,000-Couple Blessing including participants from former Soviet countries.
  • Founding of Aewon, a volunteer service organization, in Korea.
  • August 25 - 360,000-Couple Blessing, many by satellite, main ceremony in Seoul.
  • Publishing of Exposition of the Divine Principle[7]
  • Founding of Tiempos del Mundo, international Spanish language daily distributed in Latin America.[8]
  • Founding of the World University Federation, for educational exchange using internet technology.[9]
  • August 1 - Founding of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification[10]
  • Beginning of 400-million Couple Blessing, in stages.
  • October 27 - Death of son Young Jin.

See also


External links