Haines, William

From Sun Myung Moon Archive

Haines, William
Waiting for image.jpg
Number 205
Full name
Other names
Date of birth
Date of death
Tags Leaders, Missionaries, Authors
Nationality British
Short biography William Haines is a UTS graduate and has been a UC missionary to Russia, where he focused on the development of My World and I (мой мир и я), a moral curriculum for secondary school students.

He is regularly teaching UC theology to young people.

William Haines is married to Ruth Haines.

<small>Own content: contains contributions by SMMA editors. Other titles and more sections are possible.<br>Iframes: have content embedded from other websites.<br>Articles: lists files (not images) on this site, or links to SMMA (sub-)pages.<br>Library: links to books, documents, audio and videos in SMMA that were made by or about Moon or by his family members or followers. Subsections for 'Books', 'Videos', etc.<br>See also: links to other pages in this site.<br>External links: links to other websites.<br>Categories: links to content similar to this page.</small>

William Haines is a UTS graduate of 1992.

He has been a UC missionary to Russia, where he focused on the development of My World and I (мой мир и я), a moral curriculum for secondary school students.

He is regularly teaching UC theology to young people.

William Haines is married to Ruth Haines.

Own content





  • 1984 - William Hainespr233
  • 1994 09 30 - Workshop for UC leaders in Russia by Sang Hun Leepr239



See also


External links