Template:Sections Organizations

From Sun Myung Moon Archive
The top of the page should contain an introduction to the topic. To make your introduction appear above the Table Of Contents (TOC), you should write this without section head.

Own content

You can add your own sections when you want to contribute more of your own thoughts. These sections will appear below the TOC.


Content that you want to emphasize by embedding in iframes. The content could be from external websites or from files in SMMA.
Add this code ==[Url_Embedded_File Text of your section]==

Optional, in case that the Iframe embeds a file in our own archives, you can make a link to the source url of the file: [Url_Source_Location_of_File This file (or page) in (name of site, for example Wikipedia)]
, save and re-open.


Use this to link to files (not images) that you uploaded to this site, or to internal pages (sub-pages) such as commentaries that directly relate to the person.


Use this for photos that you cannot yet include in the text.
Sometimes you want to embed photos in a gallery.



See also

Use this for links to other pages (not sub-pages like in the section Articles above) in this site. You can delete this line once you use this section.


Use this for links to items in the SMMA library. You can delete this line once you use this section.


External links